DADES: Chapters 1-5

TIP OF THE DAY: The only way to make a non-fiction reader read a sci-fi book is to assign it as a textbook.

A sleeping android

A Sleeping & Dreaming Android

Do Androids dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick was an highly engaging read for me, since I picked up a sci-fi book after a very very long time. My first thoughts after reading  few chapters was that this author was definitely thinking about Dinosaurs while writing this novel. I was always suspicious of the existence of real Dinosaurs on the face of the earth, even with all the fossil findings. Moreover,today all that remains of them are wonderfully animated movies, toys, and some so called “museums”.

After reading the first chapter I was taken aback by the concept of dialing, although I know for a fact dialing nowadays gets a tonne of work done. Yet, I still agreed with the mood 888 – The desire to watch TV no matter what’s on it. Wall-E is one of my all time favorite  Post-Apocalyptic sci-fi movie (it is a must-watch too). I would say the story in this novel is a lot like that movie. with machines that emote moods and feelings, and a very explicit underlying green message for the audience.

Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? New York: Ballantine, 1996. 1-60. Print